Mileage on clock at 1 pm 99999
Set off for Pakistan, LD boiling over took out thermostat. Changed $3 into Afghanis and gave him 16 US dollars by mistake, bought piece of hash for $3 and find we only have 4 left out of $23. Bought leather bag for 150 af, full length afghan fur coats are only 700 af . Passed about 5 frontier posts before heading into Peshawar, even a vegetable quarantine. The Khyber Pass wasn’t as spectacular as I thought it would be, cost 7af to pass through it.
Another half hour on the clock making a total of 5. Everyone here selling hash gave us a big piece as sample. Staying the night at Dak Bungalow cost 6 rupee a night, fuel 1 rupee =1/9 under 10pence a gallon..
Its getting very warm now will be difficult sleeping in LD with doors shut. India will be hotter still.