I think today we’ve had the most fantastic day and the hospitality we have been shown is more than we could imagine. In the early morning we set off for Delhi in the burning heat, which was overwhelming. Then out of the blue we came across a great cold clean river and swam, we expected to see no water in India but we’ve had more washing and swimming than anywhere on route. On the road we met a Mr Kapur who we gave a lift to, and because of it we have been shown the greatest hospitality. After showing us the University of Karnal and the Temple of Krishna, He explained to us the various aspects of their religion. He took us to his house to wash and clean up then on the restaurant his family owns for a splendid meal with some of his friends Lawyers Surgeons and Politicians. We had a really good night and probably learned more about India and the people than we will learn from the rest of the trip. We discussed the differences between to two cultures Indian and English and the different traditions regarding husband and wife relationships, which is totally different from ours, But I think they have a lot more that we in our western civilisation lack. Two of his friends were ‘Jains’, a religion that doesn’t believe in killing anything accidentally or otherwise, so they walk with a small brush sweeping in front of themselves to make sure they don’t step on anything. Mr Kaphul’s home as had the whole family living here for the past 90 years in which the business side has been developed, Parents and Grandparents all together. Home life is very good and simple. On the roof of his home we slept on raffia beds, the coolest place to be. The Temple we visited in Amritser and the statue of Lord Krishners Chariot and Horse who was said to be the driver of the Lords Chariot. He would not kill his own people because he believed in transmigration of the soul and the temple with its marble chariot and horse was dedicated to this.

Bev and Syl in a Trishaw Karnal India