Freight all finished with. Telegram arrived from Bangkok £500 a rough guide for LD. Collected our visas from Embassy $10 each, all set now to go to Thailand. Had good cheap meal, steak $2.60, amazing the ease we got things done here and at such speed. Got Baz’s pipe mended ( Bev broke it while hashed up) a chance in a million we stopped outside the only pipe makers in Penang, and his own pipe end was fitted back to it amazing, all completed and back to base, would have taken a week in India. The sea here is really warm and just under the road we have a fresh water pool for washin.
Reckon to leave about Friday. Weighed ourselves today, Syl 7st 9lbs Bev 9st 12 lbs Ken 10st 10lbs, lost approx 2 stone each.
Bev and Ken dressed like proper tourists outside the Temple of the reclining Buddha Penang